Past Present Future

Thursday, February 3, 2011


House of flying dragons
 Genre :Action& Foreign

Anticipation, very fast camera movement
Straight fast cuts for edit
change aspects around as the cameras move
slow motion shots used in between the action scene
feel involved while watching the movie
shots all around the woman as if she's trapped in the scene
woman's blind, uses her sense to hear the noise
Blur the people in the background to reinforce the people in foreground
High camera angle to show the perspective of the people who are looking down at her

  •  painting light in the dark
  • visual psychiatrist
  • visually representing a story
  • able to work in all different genres

Mise en scene ( lighting, setting, acting, props): 
  • Setting: from the bottom of the ship to the deck of the ship
  • Props: Machinery which was massive and fast, the temperature was warm, the sight seen tower
  • lighting was lot warmer in the bottom of the room
  • iceberg, propellers
Cinematography (camera speed, exposure, focus, perspective, camera position, movement)
  • perspiration on the faces, dripping of fear
  • white shots where there's lots of shadows in the actor's face
  • different perspective shots such as different angle shots, position and movement
  • genre: historical/drama/romance
Editing (graphic relationships, rhythm, passing of time):
  • Fast, short cut editing
  • fast movement in between the scenes
Sound (music sound, effects, dialogues)
  • Very loud, the sound created movement in the scene
  • sound of the iceberg breaking, destroying the bottom of the ship

1 comment:

  1. clear industry knowledge and interest in course concepts!
