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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Film Evaluation

Creative Industries Evaluation: Term 02 2011


A synopsis is a summary given in brief terms that covers the major points of your film. Synopses are usually more in-depth than a mere "summary", and aim to give a fair idea of the topic.

Evaluation of Film Progress

Has your film been edited to engage the audience initially and to establish the tone of the piece?

 Yes, it is edited to suit the story line and the mood of the whole film.

What are you going to do to engage the audience? Describe the sounds, lighting, shot types and effects that fit with the genre of your film and how you will incorporate these at the start of your film.

Lighting- Fairly dark as the story is a little heavy and sad, very contrasting (black and white)
Sound- Use of a piano song as the background music (minor scale) suits the mood of film
Shot type- Mainly close up, sometimes zoomed in to show the detail of the sketches
Effects- Black and White, contrast and use of artistic effects to add on that it is an artistic film

Have you carefully chosen audio to suit the pace of the project?
Describe the audio and the pace

Pace of the audio is not quite fast, but within speed with the actual film. The audio used
as the background music is a piano piece, very quite and delicate but sad. This perfectly fits in with the visual film.

Describe the type of shots (close-up, mid, high, etc) that you will be creating to fit with the music

Change in scene when the music is at the climax

Have you included credits at the start or end of your film?
What information should be included here?

 Names of who created the film, acknowledging the music used in the film

Emotional intention
Have you edited the footage to create heightened expression and audience responses? Describe how you are going to achieve this. i.e. cross dissolves, graphic matches, effects etc

Dissolve at the start to not give the audience a surprise, high contrast when the scene and
music changed, also the pace of the footage was fastened

Editing techniques
Have you created links between shots and throughout the film to emotionally engage the viewer with your story ( i.e. is your film tied together through theme, colour, story, objects etc?)

Some selection of footage was linked to give effects such as dissolve within one another, zoom in when the music got loud etc.

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