Past Present Future

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Blog Research

Blog Research:       As part of your research you need to include reflections on:
o                                         possible career opportunities in the industry and include information on your blog
     (making a video worksheet)
o                                         Copyright issues when working in the industry (creative commons)
o                                         advances in technology that have taken place in the multimedia industry
o                                         an issue of concern in the industry and include an article in your journal
e.g. Privacy, copyright laws, viruses, cyber bullying

Website Folio: To promote your film you need to complete the following web pages

Page 1>            Create a web Banner and marketing Pitch that includes a:
o  brief synopsis / summary of the concept and subject matter of your proposed short film.

Page 2>
o  Brainstorming of Ideas for promoting your film in terms of the place, price, presentation and promotion of your film.
Page 3 and 4>   Create a DVD cover and poster using Photoshop.

You need to be able to demonstrate competence in the following skills:
(a)   using the features of Photoshop listed below;
(b)   saving your images in file formats appropriate for print.

You need to demonstrate use of the following Photoshop features in one or more of your final images (check these off as you go):
            selection tools (including marquee, lasso and magnetic wand)
            crop command
            text tool
            clone stamp tool
            opacity slider
            transform and/or free transform tools
            use of colour picker and colour adjustment tools

RESEARCH:            The research component should be comprehensively recorded on your blog.

1.              Find two (2) Photoshop images which could be included in your poster or DVD cover. Include a copy of each of these images in your workbook, together with annotations which analyse the images in terms of the elements and principles of design (e.g. are they balanced compositions?). Comment on what you think makes these images successful.

2.              Include reflections upon each stage of the process, commenting upon Photoshop tools used and any problem-solving techniques employed.
3.              Provide an overall evaluation of your finished products (what have you done well? what could you improve upon for next time?), including an assessment of how well you have satisfied the criteria of the design brief.

You must demonstrate your ability to use:
·       a broad cross-section of the Photoshop drawing tools (including the text tool)
·       photographic images imported into Photoshop
Basic web design including links and pages

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