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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why learn how to Read the Film?

Why learn how to Read the Film?
  • emotional experience
  • entertainment
  • learn story
  • visually connect with characters
  • historical events
  • perspective-human codition
  • relate to experiences
Is Cinema or film a text?
Yes because:
  • tells stroy
  • images, has characters,setting, sound
Cinema is a visual art form.
Cinema is not literature.
A film is not a novel.
- Howevere, a film is a text, just as a play, poem or novel is a text.
-Although the storyline is essential, when reading a film you must be able to examine,
 interpret and analyse the visual elements and style.

Elements of film
  • shot types
  • Props: colour scheme/background, setting, related objects
  • lighting
  • characters
  • dialogue and sound
  • body language/interaction

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